lundi 13 septembre 2010

Georgetown continued

Soooo… I continued my walk in the neighborhood until I arrived to Georgetown University!


Georgetown University is the oldest Jesuit Catholic university in the USA, founded in January 1789, before the French Revolution, that’s really old. Its look is scary, especially at night, when the campus is empty and silent.


The funny fact is that students traditionnaly steal the hands of the main hall big clock! Last time was in 2005. This university is known for having an alumni including important people like Bill Clinton. But more important, this university and Georgetown were the place where the Exorcist was shot! So bravo to Guillaume who found out in the previous article comments!
More details on this fan’s blog  :


Inside the Healy Hall – that’s the main building – it looked like this :

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I can tell you it was scary, it was so silent that I thrilled when I heard some foot steps, or a opening door cracking. I walked across this long corridor and arrived on a little yard with a fountain and a chapel.


Even if it’s not that beautiful, I really liked the atmosphere of this place, it really was like in a movie of the 80s, it reminded me a lot the college in the Dead Poet Society. I was expecting students dressed in suit coming at any moment! I rewatched  the movie as soon as I got home!


I went out of the main building, and wandered around the campus. The atmosphere was still very thrilling. The campus is huge and there are dorms everywhere. There’s even a graveyard, isn’t it creepy?

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And then I saw bright lights and sounds of referees whistles…It was the football team training.
For the first time i saw football players. The famous Georgetown Hoyas! The team is quite good in the league as far as i know.



In the nineties, every kid during primary school used to have a Hoya cap, or a Hoya jumper, that was trendy, everyone liked that bulldog face unconscious of its real origin. Even me, until that night.
I finished this long walk into one of the oldest pub in Georgetown, called The Tombs. Everyone around there knows it, and people say that all the students that attend Georgetown University go to this pub at least once during the studies!


Here are my two mates that enjoyed that cool adventure, ladies and gentlemen, Nikki from Netherlands, and Pablo from Spain, give’em a round of applause!
Can you spot Agassi’s 1995 tennis racket on the wall?

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bonne nuit :)

jeudi 2 septembre 2010


Hi guys, long time no see.
I got to apologize for this lack of news! You think I was slacking off, but I was not! I started my courses and got tons of homework to do + I had to do a 28 pages essay for which I’ve had like 3 months to prepare. I finally did it in two days and sent it less than a day before the deadline! Relieved, I can now continue sharing my experience in Washington. Do you want some more?! Make some nooooooooise! …
I went to Georgetown, the oldest part of Washington. In facts Georgetown was a city built before Washington, in 1751.
Georgetown is very nice. Cute woodhouses, cute streets. It looks like a village, or a very small town, I couldn’t tell I was in the USA capital. This is a rich area with wealthy habitants, but it doesn’t look like. I mean it looks very modest, no showing off here.
Georgetown is located next to the Potomac river – i love that name, Potomac, sounds like Pachacamac, the name of the Inca god of sun. The one that Tintin pretends to know to make the Inca stopping the burning ceremony in Le Temple du Soleil. It’s also the name of the boat where Tournesol is kept prisoner, and Tintin sneaks in to rescue him, but he fails…he’s my hero though!
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Anyway, let’s go back to Georgetown and its Potomac river : that’s how it looks like.
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There’s also an interesting area with old factories and an old canal used to carry courrier, digged before rails were commonly used in the US. Rapidly the Chesapeake and Ohio canal – that’s its name and it doesn’t remind me anything in Tintin’s adventures – became useless and now is a part of the decoration.
Georgetown is on a hill. To connect that hill and the river, you have to walk up long and narrow stairs.

The steps are high and numerous, a pain to climb, especially with my increased weight. It’s not easy to see, but it’s very dark overthere, I can tell you that was scary…Those stairs have a secret. Maybe with that picture you would recognize them and know what I’m talking about…Let me know in the comments.
As you can see on the pictures, the sun was going down. The low light made things look nice at the beginning, but quickly the darkness started to spread on the streets. Ô Great Pachacamac ...
I could suddendly feel something was going on about this place, the stairs were a first sign. This place has a secret that I had to discover.
But hold on?! What do my elf-eyes see?
Please click on the picture for a better view...
What are these scary massive gothic buildings?
Is that a clocktower? I must go there to find out before the sublime Pachacamac goes to sleep!
To be continued in the next article…